Fliegen & Streamer




CHF 3.90 CHF

Fulling Mill

White's The Other Olive

Ein Favoriten-Muster


CHF 3.90 CHF

Fulling Mill

White's The Other Olive

Ein Favoriten-Muster


CHF 3.90 CHF

Fulling Mill

White's Hooligan Crab #4

Kompakter, kleiner Krebs


CHF 3.90 CHF

Fulling Mill

White's Hooligan Crab #4

Kompakter, kleiner Krebs


CHF 3.90 CHF

Fulling Mill

White's Hooligan Crab #4

Kompakter, kleiner Krebs


CHF 49.00 CHF

Fulling Mill

Ultimate Stillwater

32 Fliegen


CHF 49.00 CHF

Fulling Mill

Ultimate Sea Bass

12 Fliegen


CHF 49.00 CHF

Fulling Mill

Ultimate Reservoir Naturals

32 Fliegen


CHF 3.90 CHF

Fulling Mill

White's The Other Tan

Ein Favoriten-Muster


CHF 3.90 CHF

Fulling Mill

White's The Other Tan

Ein Favoriten-Muster


CHF 49.00 CHF

Fulling Mill

Ultimate Reservoir Lures

28 Fliegen


CHF 49.00 CHF

Fulling Mill

Ultimate Mayflies

24 Fliegen


CHF 49.00 CHF

Fulling Mill

Ultimate Low Water Salmon

16 Fliegen


CHF 49.00 CHF

Fulling Mill

Ultimate High Water Salmon

16 Fliegen


CHF 49.00 CHF

Fulling Mill

Ultimate Chalk Stream

24 Fliegen


CHF 49.00 CHF

Fulling Mill

Ultimate Bungs

24 Fliegen


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Spinner Black #18

Delikate Upwing-Fliege


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Olsen's Olive Quilldigon BL



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Olsen's Olive Quilldigon BL



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Olsen's Olive Quilldigon BL



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Olsen's Natural Quilldigon BL



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Olsen's Natural Quilldigon BL



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Olsen's Natural Quilldigon BL



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Procters Willow Grub #18

Perfekte Larven-Imitation


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Procter's Flip Flop Bush Cicada Pink

Verlängerter Schaumstoff-Körper


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Procter's Flip Flop Bush Cicada Pink

Verlängerter Schaumstoff-Körper


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Procter's Double Bead Squirmy Red

Mit zwei Fulling Mill-Wolframperlen


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Procter's Double Bead Squirmy Red

Mit zwei Fulling Mill-Wolframperlen


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Procter's Bluebottle Pink



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Procter's Bluebottle Pink



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Procter Bounce Back Caddis Yellow



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Procter Bounce Back Caddis Yellow



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Olsen's DNA Worm Pink & Red BL

Widerstandsfähiger Wurm


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Olsen's DNA Worm Pink & Red BL

Widerstandsfähiger Wurm


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Micro Balanced Bung Leech Black Red Spot BL



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Micro Balanced Bung Damsel Olive Red Spot BL



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackies Palomino Para Orange

Kleiner Hauch von Orange


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackies Palomino Para Orange

Kleiner Hauch von Orange


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackies Palomino Para Black

Unwiderstehlich für Forellen


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackies Palomino Para Black

Unwiderstehlich für Forellen


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackie's Olive Palomino Parachute Orange



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackie's Olive Palomino Parachute Orange



CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackie's Olive Palomino Parachute

Leichte Beute für Fische


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackie's Olive Palomino Parachute

Leichte Beute für Fische


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackie's Erne Mayfly Emerge #10

Für die frühen Morgenstunden


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackie's Corrib Parachute Olive

Leichte Beute für Fische


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackie's Corrib Parachute Olive

Leichte Beute für Fische


CHF 2.50 CHF

Fulling Mill

Jackie's Corrib Mayfly Emerger #10

Muster für Anfang Mai